Thursday, February 16, 2017


1 comment:

Ahab The Arab said...

Rental Cars for Michelle O’s Kyoto Visit Cost $78,741


Our Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to a Buddhist Temple in Kyoto is costing taxpayers nearly $80,000 for rental cars ALONE! According to a government contract, that was made by our FORMER President.

Mrs. Obama, who is travelling to Japan and Cambodia for a girls’ education initiative, will arrive in Kyoto, Japan, on Friday.

According to the White House press office, “The First Lady will travel to Kyoto on March 20 and visit the Kiyomizu-Dera Buddhist Temple and the Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine. She will also greet staff from the U.S. Consulate in Osaka.”

Fushimi Inari Shinto is a shrine dedicated to a god of rice. Visitors of the temple can pay to go into a pitch-black basement that symbolizes the womb of Buddah’s mother.

The temple also features the Otowa Waterfall, which has streams to cause “longevity, success at school, and a fortunate love life.”

The cost for “Rental Vehicles for Flotus in Kyoto” is $78,741, according to a contract signed last week.

Mrs. Obama is promoting “Let Girls Learn,” an initiative by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that is spending $231.6 million for education programs in Nigeria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Jordan, and Guatemala.