Sunday, September 3, 2023

Casual sex is just luxurious masterbation...

Casual sex, no emotional attachments or connection or bond or anything, is just trying to get your brain to release feel good chemicals. Which is the same if you were to jerkoff. Only difference is you have another body to do it with. That's just luxurious masterbation.


Salvatore DeMarco said...

Labor Day 2023: is a reminder to all Patriot Americans that the Communists are destroying our Companies, Our Government, and Our Nation

Labor Day, that is celebrated on the first Monday of September, was originally created for the labor movement and was dedicated to the Social and Economic achievements of American workers.

Initially, it was designed as a yearly nationwide tribute to the contributions workers have made to the prosperity and well-being of our country. To mark a long struggle for the worker's rights.

Unfortunately, due to the infiltration of the Leftist’s Labor movement by organized crime, the Marxists, Socialists, and Communists lost much of the true meaning of the day, and has lost the reason why it was originally created. . And it has become just another holiday for the Nation to have another Holiday to take off at the end of every summer regardless of the political stance, or beliefs of the members .

Joe Conservative said...

Labour Day is America's tribute to the corporate globalists and billionaires who transferred all of America's jobs to China and the Far East.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Spellcheck can be your best friend. There's no such thing as "masTERbation."